The Soft Machine United Kingdom

84 Mostly Instrumental13 Prog62
[Awesome Musicianship16, Great Composition16, Great Production16, Great Songwriting15 and Good Lyrics6]
added by Mike
Review by Rivertree published , edited
Prog Canterbury Scene/Fusion

"By re-visiting three older pieces the long-lived grandmaster band is offering a new extensive collection of inspired yet relaxed Jazz Fusion and Canterbury Rock tunes. In a strict sense no founding member is aboard anymore, but John Marshall (drums) and John Etheridge (guitars) are involved at least since the mid 1970s! Furthermore ex-bassist Roy Babbington appears on two tracks. Of course the fierceness and fast-pace rocking moments have decreased over the decades, but the original band spirit is evident as ever. It overall sounds as if they had jammed together a lot in the studio. Including the four bonus tracks the album may have been a little too long for one or two. Anyhow, this comes with great interaction and definitely valuable success, still."

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