
Review by zitro published

"A massive commercial success and a decent debut for a band that appeared to have potential, but it really didn't show much of it yet (despite the excellent closer of "Two Minutes to Midnight"). The music is structurally predictable with verse/choruses. Verses usually have melodic singing or catchy rapping while the chorus is more like sing-along hard rock. Both singers are very competent at what they do, the electronics are usually spot-on, but the rest of the band do not go beyond basic performances nor steal the show (where are the solos?). The lyrics are simple, but they work and sometimes contain good messages.

Bonus tracks include the electronic-pop ballad "My December" (6.5 average), and the rap-oriented "High Voltage" (8.0, good) that is better than most songs here and has the strings sound of "Cure for the Itch""

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