
Review by Time_Signature published

"This is old school, but there is a certain darkness and sense of brutality to it that one normally did not find in the traditional heavy metal of the 1980s, but which may be traced back to the darker proto-metal of the 1970s such as early Black Sabbath and early Judas Priest.

The guitars have a dark, fuzzy and dirty sound and a lot of the riffage is simple and heavy in an almost doom-like fashion. There are some interesting and semi-complex things on this album, to be sure, and even some guitar figures that remind me of 70s progressive rock.

There is some really good stuff on this album - the only thing is that one may have to get used to the vocals and the complete disregard of what is trendy and in.

I would recommend this album to fans of proto-metal, traditional heavy metal and doom metal. I think that some fans of the more extreme types of metal may like this album too.

(review originally posted on"

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