Tori Amos

Under the Pink 1994

6 Mellow Lush Prog Post Pop/Independent
added by Mike
Review by zitro published

"The follow up to her excellent debut is really more of the same. This isn't a bad thing as Tori knows how to make good simple songs due to her excellent piano playing and melodious vocals which rarely repeat themselves.

There is one problem. The album is not as musically strong and fresh as the original, and it also does not have a clear highlight like "Precious Things" or the title track. Lastly, its mellower nature makes it less exciting to the ears."

Review by Mike published
Somber Minimalistic Prog-Adj Art Pop

"My favorite Tori Amos album, although I have to admit that I lost track of her after Choirgirl Hotel. It is very calm, and half of the tracks are without drums or bass. All kinds of experimental elements are used - noisy guitars and instruments used out of context, for example on Bells for Her where Tori uses the piano to emulate bells. What I love most about this album are the odd melodies that Tori seems to write effortlessly, and the totally natural and symbiotic merging of her piano playing and the vocals."

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